讲座题目: A Study of Socially Dirty Work: A Conservation of Resource Framework 关于社会型污名化职业的一个研究:从资源保存理论的角度
主讲人:Dr. Shanshan Wen (文珊珊) 博士
时间: 2015年10月15日(周四)4:30-5:30 pm
主持人:蒋建武 副教授

Shan S. Wen received her doctoral degree from the Department of Management in The Chinese University of Hong Kong in 2015. Her major research interests include Work stress, Dirty work, Trust and Team dynamics.
Dr. Wen received Best Reviewer Award from the Academy of Management Conference and Postgraduate Output Award from the CUHK. She had published papers with her coauthors in Journal of Organizational Behavior and in Chinese Journal of Management. She also published a book chapter on Trust in Chinese context. She had presented papers in Academy of Management Conference and Asia Academy of Management Conference.
In this talk, she will introduce one of her working projects on socially dirty work. She proposed that when employees frequently contact with stigmatized clients, they would experience stress due to resource loss (Hobfoll, 1989). She also suggested under two conditions this stress-strain relationship would be weakened or strengthened. Results will be discussed at the end.
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