讲座题目:Competition in Experience Goods Markets
时间: 2018年11月2日(周五)
地点:文科楼3044am永利集团官网1400 15:00-17:00
We consider competition in duopolistic experience goods markets, where purchasing a product both informs consumers about their value for it and allows them to update their expected value for the other product based on the degree of differentiation. Consumers then choose whether to switch product in the second period. We show that each firm earns zero total profit and all surplus goes to consumers across the two periods, regardless of the degree of product differentiation, whether the market is mass or niche, and whether behavior-based price discrimination is allowed. The second period price is always higher than the first period price, and the price change is increasing in the degree of expected product differentiation when the market is mass and valuations are negatively correlated. The second period price to repeated customers may be higher than, lower than, or equal to the price to switching customers, and firms may choose not to price discriminate even when feasible.
陈倬琼博士2017年毕业于伦敦政治经济学院,2012年获得北京大学经济学硕士、香港大学金融学硕士学位。主要研究方向是应⽤博弈论与行为经济学,研究见于European Economic Review, Economics Letters等国际期刊, 他在哈尔滨工业大学深圳校区主讲博弈论,信息经济学等课程。