讲座题目:Tipsfor Publishing in High-Ranking Journals: An Editor’s Point of View
主讲人:ProfessorTsan-Ming Choi (Jason),TheHong Kong Polytechnic University
时间: 2018年12月28日(周五)
地点:文科楼3044am永利集团官网1400 15:00-16:00
Publishingpapers in peer-refereed academic journals is an important job for all academicresearchers and scholars. However, most authors only prepare their manuscriptsfor publication from their own perspectives, without considering what thejournal editors actually want. This may lead to many rejection cases. In thistalk, as an editor of various well-established journals in the field ofOperations Management, and Systems Engineering, I will share my experience onwhat editors think and how they manage submissions nowadays. I will alsopropose some quick tips to authors to help enhance their success rate inacademic publication.

Tsan-Ming Choi (Jason) is currentlyProfessor of Fashion Business at The Hong Kong Polytechnic University (PolyU).Over the past decade, he has actively participated in a variety of researchprojects on supply chain management and applied optimization for fashionbusiness operations. He has authored/edited 16 research handbooks, guest-editedover 30 special issues for many well-established journals, and published over160 papers in Web of Science listed citation journals, including Production andOperations Management, Decision Sciences, Naval Research Logistics, Automatica,EJOR, IJPE, IJPR, Omega, TRE, etc and over 40 papers in various IEEETransactions (TAC, TASE, TCYB, TEM, TII, TITS, TSMCS). He is now serving as theCo-Editor-in-Chief of Transportation Research – Part E, a senior editor ofProduction and Operations Management, and Decision Support Systems, an associateeditor of IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics - Systems, andInformation Sciences, a guest editor of Decision Sciences, IEEE Transactions onEngineering Management, and International Journal of Production Economics, andan editorial board member of INFORMS Service Science, International Journal ofProduction Research, and International Transactions in Operational Research,etc. He is the founding editor of Springer's Book Series in Fashion Business.In the past, he was an executive committee member/officer of professionalorganizations such as IEEE-SMC(HK) and POMS(HK). He received the PolyU’sPresident’s Award of Outstanding Performance in 2008, the Best Associate EditorAward of IEEE Systems, Man, and Cybernetics Society in two consecutive years(2013 and 2014), and the Distinguished Alumni Award of Faculty of Engineering,The Chinese University of Hong Kong in 2017.