报告主题:Supply Chain Risks and Financial performance
报告人:Vinod Singhal(美国亚特兰大佐治亚理工学院)

Vinod Singhal is the Charles W. Brady Chair Professor ofOperations Management at the Scheller College of Business at Georgia Instituteof Technology, Atlanta, USA. He has a Ph.D. from University of Rochester;Rochester, USA. Prior to joining Georgia Tech., he worked as a Senior ResearchScientist at General Motors Research Labs. Vinod is a Departmental Editor ofProduction and Operations Management, and Associate Editor of Journal ofOperations Management, Management Science, and Manufacturing and ServiceOperations Management. He is on the Academic Advisory Board of the EuropeanSchool of Management and Technology, Germany. Vinod’s teaching interestsinclude operations strategy and supply chain management. He has contributed toteaching at an international level, as well, by offering research workshops incountries including Australia, China, France, Hong Kong, India, New Zealand,Singapore, Sweden, and United Kingdom.
This talk will present empirical evidence on the effect of supplychain risks on financial performance. Financial performance is measuredusing measures related to shareholder value, share price volatility, andprofitability. It will compare and contrast the corporate performanceeffects of three different types of supply chain risks; supply chaindisruptions, product introduction delays, and excess inventory. Theimplications of these results on making the business case for supply chaininitiatives and strategies that mitigate supply chain risks will be discussed.